Have you ever scheduled your Family Session and thought, now what do I need to do? We totally understand there is a lot to think about after you scheduled the session. It is almost as if you have to make a to do list in order to accomplish everything. At TLH Photography & Design, we do our best to streamline the process from start to finish.
Once your session is scheduled with us, we send out our digital copy of the Family Session Style Guide. This is a great tool that helps your family in choosing the right outfits for the family session. One of the things we love most, there is no wrong decision. It guides you through choosing clothes from the closet or from the stores. If you feel stuck, message us! We are pretty quick with responses because we want to help in any way possible.
If you choose clothes from the closet, lay them out on the bed! See what stands out. Trust me, you will be able to see it pretty quickly. At the store, you are able to do the same thing. Lay the outfits together in the cart or on one of the clothing tables. This all helps to visualize what the outfits will look like together.
Finally, once your outfits are together, add in any accessories that you may want. Hats, scarfs, jewelry, etc. Even if you bring it and we don’t use it in the session, that is ok. A few other items to bring with you to your family session: water (we live in the desert), comfy shoes (if you’re wearing heels in the images), brushes, spray bottle with water, lint roller (animal lovers understand), product for hair, and makeup for touch ups. Some of these items may not apply to every situation.
This seems crazy to have a list of items to bring with you to a session, however, we have found that clients have needed these items. We would rather be prepared for whatever may happen. The night before the session, go through your list to make sure you have all the items you need and might need. Pack them up in a bag so they are ready to travel with you the next day for your family session!
If you have not scheduled your family session, there is still time to do so before the end of the year! We hope to see you soon for your session!